Super-G Hits Vegas HIN / Vape Summit April/May, 2015
On May 30, 2015 on less than 48 hours notice, Super-G packed up our indoor track and went mobile. We grabbed all we could and shot out to Las Vegas to set up a RC Drift Demo. We had no idea what was in store, or if we were taking the right supplies. All we knew is, we were going!
We rolled into Vegas and went straight to the convention center. It was 3pm and we knew we had til 5pm to get set up. Of course we were worried since we wanted to make a good impression on this new crowd. Joe, Katsumi, and myself got right to work. Time was ticking.
About 4:30pm it was obvious we were nowhere close to being finished. We were all tired and we knew we had a long way to go. Finally we flagged someone down and they explained we could stay as long as we need, BUT if we walk out the doors, they aren't letting anyone back in. About this time we were wishing we brought food.
10:30pm, it was all over. Set up was done and it was time to get some dinner!!! Of course we had Yokomo, Tamiya, Tetsujin, MyTrickRC, Project-G, and Super-G proudly represented in our booth. We were pretty happy with the final product.
Before we left for Vegas, we had spoken to Alan, one of Super-G's Factory Team Drivers and explained what our upcoming task was for the week. Of course we were a bit worried since we had such short notice and didn't have time to gather up any drivers. Luckily Alan pulled off a miracle and rounded up 2 other team members, Mark and Sakura Steve! If it weren't for them, the demo would have been pretty quiet. These guys PUT IT DOWN! Alan, Mark, Sakura Steve, and Katsumi, tandems all day! They made RC Drift look like a whole lot of fun. Alan and Mark were answering a lot of questions from the spectators and really made a difference. A special thanks goes out to Sakura Steve. This guy really did his thing. Talking to the spectators in depth, giving demos, and even allowing people to drive his personal car. He was doing a better job than I was. Thanks Steve!
Being homesick wasn't even an option this time around. Josh, Scott, and AJ were at the Vape Summit and they brought their cars. The track pieces were from our track back home, the team members and our friends were there too. It was Super-G away from Super-G! It was a good time!
There was a surprising amount of interest from the Vape community. Quite a few people expressed interest in modifying the cars. Modding seems to go hand in hand in both the RC and Vape communities. Joe was busy explaining the difference between the chassis', brands, models, and just plain explaining the hobby in it's entirety. He also made a few sales in the process which nobody is complaining about.
One of our main Project-G guys, Eddie showing everyone how it's done! I would list his mods, but it would kill our bandwidth. Let's just say, there isn't much that hasn't been done to this awesome roadster. The pics just don't do this build justice. It's IMMACULATE!!! He also took home Best Mazda at this show (Hot Import Nights). The next day he took Best Mazda AND Best Interior at IFO. This guy ain't no joke!
Another sick Mazda. he wasn't flying the Project-G banner, but he was PG'd down. We expect to see more of this build at the upcoming shows this season.
Overall the show/demo was a success. We met a lot of new faces and introduced a lot of people to the RC Drift Scene. It was interesting to find out how many people didn't even know this segment of the hobby even existed. We want to give a huge thanks to everyone that made this possible: Our Factory Team Drivers - Alan Molina, Mark Santa Cruz, and Sakura Steve Morales. Our friends from home - Josh, Scott, and AJ. Royce - for pulling a few strings for us at the Palazzo. Last but definitely not least, Katsumi Kuwakino, without whom none of this would have been possible!