Super-G 5 Year Event Weekend!

October 18-19, 2019:
This past weekend was the Super-G 5 Year Anniversary Event. We hold this annual event every year on the same weekend as Formula Drift has their Final Bout at Irwindale Speedway. (Just in case you want to plan for next year) We are overwhelmed by the tremendous support the community has shown us here at Super-G! So much so, I found myself speechless yesterday. I needed to take a day to gather my thoughts before doing my recap.

The format for the weekend:
Friday was a huge open session, then in the evening we held our SuperTwin Team Tandem Battle. Teams of 2 paired up and ran their best lap against competing teams.
Saturday was another open session, then in the evening we held a huge Tsuiso Battle. This was not only our annual competition, but also the finals for our year long series, The SuperShowdowns.
The Event:
This weekend was all about bringing the R/C Drift Community together to celebrate our 5th year. When we started doing R/C Drift in the parking lot in front of Project-G (Our Miata Business) it was just something we were doing on the weekends for fun. We had no idea it would become what it has over the past 5 years. It has been slowly growing, and the more the community grows, the more we are seeing the bigger manufacturers taking notice.

Huge Shout Out to the Event Sponsors:
Overdose, Futaba, Pandora R/C, Acuvance, Tamiya, Topline, Tetsujin, ScaleReflex, APlastics, D-Like, Vertex R/C, Yokomo, and last but definitely not least, DS Racing for providing the Super-G Spec Tire - RWD FFFF Zero Mark II. We have found this tire to provide the perfect balance of forward and side bite, while keeping the speeds down.
Remember these names when you are choosing your gear.
These are the companies who are taking notice of the R/C Drift Community and are giving you new and exciting products. They have all generously donated to our event knowing ultimately their prizes would end up in your hands. The future is your's to decide. If you want R/C Drift to continue to grow, you need to make sure to support the companies who support the growth of the scene. It really is as simple as that.
We had a Mega Raffle that spanned the course of 2 days and consisted in over $4000.00 in prizes!!! These were all generously donated by the event sponsors to show support for the R/C Drift Community.
Check Out The Winners and Prizes Here!

The West Coast Family:
This year seems to be a milestone for Super-G, and the West Coast Drift Community. Here at Super-G we have been working toward bringing the community together for awhile now. This year many of the West Coast teams had an actual hand in putting on this event. The RawFew had been heavily involved in planning this event. They also had helped a lot with the behind the scenes prep and put in a lot of work to make this happen. Limited Traction single handedly handled the food for both days. Ryan Smoov from SwiftSuns jumped on the decks to provide some live DJ music on Saturday. Last but not least, Shaine Collins from Team D-Style has been one of 3 judges (along with myself and Colin Chambers - RawFew) to refine our judging rules and guidelines for the past 2 years now, not to mention judging the actual competition. Team Bushido and Team WallRide, part of our NorCal family also came down to support and were available for anything and everything we needed help with. Much love going out to you guys for pulling together to make our best event so far happen!

Food Food Food!!!
When we all get together, somehow it seems like Drift and Food go hand in hand! This time was no exception. Dennis and Al from Limited Traction were manning the grill and stuffed us all with some wicked Tri Tip, Hot Links, and Dogs on Friday. I don't know if the food or the drifting was better, but since it was a weekend for drifting, I'm going to have to say the food was almost as good as the drifting. Saturday was all about burgers, hot links, and dogs! Feeding that many people is a huge job. I have to say other than a couple minutes a few times during the event, I didn't see Dennis or Al. I have to assume that was an all day task. Thank you guys for handling that!
That wasn't all! Chito, Lexter, and Ethan (RawFew) had also picked up a TON of pizza and cookies for everyone as the event started! Everyone must have been hungry cause within minutes there were just a bunch of empty pizza boxes stacked in the corner! Thank you so much Chito, Lexter, and Ethan!!!

The SuperTwin Team Tandem Battles:
We have been working closely with Limited Traction in getting some sort of Team Tandem Competition going. We started with a Triple Team, but we found it difficult for some to gather a team of 3. So we have gone with the Twin since teams of 2 have been easier to round up. However, it may be time to go with 3 man teams again. Stay tuned for more details.
Twenty Teams / Forty Drivers - SuperTwin Madness!!!
The SuperTwin Battles were as they always are. A little lighter mood than a full on comp, definitely less serious, and really a whole lot of fun! In Japan, the Tsuiso Battles are serious business, so the Team Tandem comps are really all about fun. It depends what you are in the hobby for, which will appeal to you more. Most of us love both.
We had teams from California, Nevada, Arizona, and Texas! Everyone really put on a good performance. What was very impressive was the fact that many had never run on polished concrete, so this was a all new experience for them. Yet, when it came to competition time, EVERYONE was running as if they were a Super-G Local. This just demonstrates the type of skill we are talking about here.
Congratulations to the winning team, Kevin Motter and Ryno Degala - Limited Few!
This was a collab team of Kevin from RawFew and Ryno from Limited Traction. Both top notch drivers and they formed a winning team. They really deserved the victory with some truly amazing runs! I personally teamed up with Dennis Caroza from Limited Traction to form the team Super Balls. (Don't ask, cause I don't know) Ha ha! Although we had a pretty good run, we started celebrating a little early. When I say early, I mean about 5 feet before the finish line!!! Needless to say, we got eliminated. We still had a blast!
SUPERTWIN COVERAGE - Read about it here!

The Tsuiso Battles:
With 50+ competitors coming together to compete, this was an exciting weekend for the Super-G locals, as well as anyone who enjoys Competition. The best of the best had all come together to throw down and see who really has what it takes take home the goods. This was also the final round for our 2019 Series - SuperShowdowns! Not only were First, Second, and Third for the comp taking home trophies, but First, Second, and Third for the Rookie Class, and we were also Crowning the SoCal Drift King (First), Second, and Third place for our SuperShowdown Series! It almost felt like trophies for everyone!
Congratulations to Kevin Motter from RawFew
Series Leader for the entire SuperShowdown Series
Winner of The SuperShowdown Title of SoCal Drift King
First Place AND Top Qualifier in the SuperShowdown Final Throwdown!
Truly an amazing feat considering the drivers he was competing with every month. It needs to be known, there is no shortage of great drivers here on the West Coast! The title was up for grabs all the way to Round 10.
Also Congratulations to the winners:
Tsuiso Battles - Rookie Class:
1st Place - Nico Lozada (Swift Suns)
2nd Place - Michael Vasquez (Limited Traction)
3rd Place - Mike Chronhamn (Team Slidelines)
Tsuiso Battles - Expert Class:
1st Place - Kevin Motter and Top Qualifier (RawFew)
2nd Place - Tim Mulhmeyer (Privateer)
3rd Place - Mikko Yang (Team Yokomo USA)
SuperShowdowns 2019 Point Series:
1st Place / SoCal Drift King - Kevin Motter (RawFew) - 175 Points
2nd Place - Mikko Yang (Team Yokomo USA) - 116 Points
3rd Place - Jason Fordyce (RawFew) - 112 Points
TSUISO BATTLES - Read about it here!

1st - Nico Lozada (Swift Suns), 2nd - Michael Vasquez (Limited Traction), 3rd - Mike Chronhamn (Team Slidelines)

1st - Kevin Motter (RawFew), 2nd Tim Mulhmeyer, 3rd - Mikko Yang (Team Yokomo USA)

1st Place - Kevin Motter (RawFew) 2019 SuperShowdown Series Winner!
2nd - Mikko Yang (Team Yokomo USA), 3rd - Jason Fordyce (RawFew)
Everything aside, this weekend was really all about coming together for good company, good eats, good times, and good slides. We had drivers from Orange County, San Diego, Palmdale, Fresno, San Jose, Santa Clara, Salinas, Las Vegas, Arizona, and Texas. Everyone converged here in Los Angeles at Super-G R/C Drift Arena to share this hobby we all love, R/C Drift!
Joe and I, along with the RawFew and Limited Traction would like to say thank you for a great five years!
Super-G is committed to pushing the R/C Drift Scene here in the U.S. to the next level for 2020.
Thus far, Super-G has established a solid judging guide and rule set we have been refining over the course of 80-100 comps.
We have developed our Super-G Replay System which has revolutionized our judging accuracy, and ensuring there is no bias and minimal margin for error. This system has allowed us to correctly make calls that would otherwise have gone the other way, and undoubtedly would have been bad calls
Last, but definitely not least, Super-G will be hosting a R/C Drift Series which will NOT limited to Super-G in SoCal in 2020. Stay tuned for more information to be released shortly!
Shout Outs to:
RawFew, Limited Traction, Team Bushido, Team Wallride, Team D-Style, Tech1Drift, Team Tekno, Swift Suns, Coyote Racing, Proximity Pals, Dirty Dancers, and Team Slidelines for your ongoing support!
Random images from Super-G 5 Year Annual Event Here!