Rawfew Crawlers at Vasquez Rocks Jan. 8, 2017

Saturday night at Super-G, a few of us were talking and we decided to hit up Vasquez Rocks in Agua Dulce in the A.M.

Being such short notice on a Sunday morning, a lot of people weren't able to make it out, but we wanted to head out anyway since it would be the first opportunity for a few to finally make it out there.

Our man Jason is a local, so he took us through a lot of lines we would have no doubt missed without his knowledge and expertise.

For those who have never been to Vasquez Rocks, it is a National Park with some famous and amazing rock formations. There are many challenging areas and a lot of trails as well. You can spend all day there and not even get close to seeing it all.

Jason spotting for some of us as we get to the top of one of many climbs we did. The weather was perfect at mid to high 70s. There was a lot of talk of some killer storm coming to SoCal, but there was no hint of anything other than perfect weather.

We all agreed we need to do this again real soon! If you guys have a crawler(s), make sure to let us know so we can include you in our upcoming outings.