The Newest Futaba Radio - The T6PV!
March 13, 2025
Futaba just releases their newest Radio, the T6PV!
Being a Futaba user for well over 40 years, (don't be doing the math now) I am always excited when they release a new model. The T6PV looks to be landing in that sweet spot between the 4PM and the 10PX. Up until now you could keep it budget friendly, or ball out and go for the Top Dog, the 10PX. That's a pretty big jump for many.

The Screen
As good as the 4PM is as a remote, the screen has always left a little to be desired. Not just from an aesthetic standpoint, but I find it difficult to use. I have found with the T6PV, it is significantly easier to use. It takes me back to the 4PX which I had no complaints about. The addition of the touch screens on the more recent 7PX and 10PX are nice, but don't get me wrong, it's more of a luxury than necessity. The T6PV screen is a winner in my book. Easy to navigate / use, and looks the part.

The Feel
The T6PV feels right at home in the hand. It maintains that balanced familiar feel and is very similar in weight to my 10PX. I does not have a cheap feel at all, which is something I value as well.

Right away I was interested in the S.Bus abilities. I went straight to the menus, and found the S.Bus Servo, MC(ESC)-Link, and Gyro Link all ready to go.

There are setting for different Home Screens. Default (T6PV Logo), Servo (Channels), Timer, and the one I was really interested in, the Gauges. You get 3 gauges to choose from. That would give me the important ones, ESC Temp, Motor Temp, and RPM. So They got me covered.

What does it come with
It comes with a R404SBS-E which is the receiver of choice for me at the moment, so this is the entire package. It also includes the Wheel Drop-Down, and the larger wheel if that's what you like.
This was just my first look. I would say without getting the seat time with it that I will be getting soon, it is looking very promising. I have yet to use a Futaba remote that doesn't agree with me, and I have no reason to believe this will be any different. I will be pairing it with my current chassis and run it through it's paces. My initial impression - 10PX > T6PV > 7PX > 4PM. More to come soon!