REVOX Gyro - ReveD Enters the Gyro Game
August 8, 2022

The long anticipated ReveD Gyro, the REVOX has finally arrived. As expected, ReveD has brought with it something to set it apart from the rest. Until now, the only other programmable gyro has been the Futaba GYD550. It has opened up a multitude of options for those who know what they are looking for, but along with it came some complexity that may be a bit much for some. ReveD’s answer to this is the REVOX, a gyro with 6 selectable preset curves. What does this all mean? Let’s dive in.

When I think of the standard gyros on the market, they all “Feel” similar. A basic addition to your electronics setup that prevents you from spinning. You adjust the gain to set how much or how little assist you are getting. Typically, the lower the gain, the faster your transitions are, but at the sacrifice of gyro action (keeping you from spinning, for lack of a better term).
Setup for the REVOX is pretty straight forward. You power on your car while pressing the REVOX setup button. It starts to blink green and you are in setup for the endpoints. You adjust the EPA on your radio to the point you are maxing out your steering, but not stressing your servo to steer past the stops. Once you set the EPA on your radio, then you turn to the right, press the setup button, and let it center. Then you steer left, press the setup button, and that’s it! You are really to go.
A Side Note:
I tested the REVOX Gyro with a Futaba CT700 Servo. Initially I experienced a lot of servo jitter just by powering up. I had to set the Damper on the Servo to 150 (from 65) to tame it. Not a big deal, but something worth mentioning in case anyone runs into that as I did.

The REVOX has 6 curve settings in addition to your standard gain control via channel 3. The gain setting is dependent on many factors such as servo, steering linkage, etc. To cycle through the curve settings, you press the setup button twice in quick succession to move up through the different curves and is indicated by the corresponding number of flashes. To move down, you press the setup button once.
How does this drive and does it differ from the other gyros on the market. Below is an illustration of my observations of each setting.

I am in no way saying this applies to ALL situations. This is all based on my testing done here at Super-G. For those unaware, our surface is polished concrete and is on the slicker side.
Mode 5 and 6
I found these to be very similar and although feeling very stable, felt almost as if I was driving in mud. Even with a lower gain setting, it just didn’t want to let me drift. At least not with much angle anyway. Not sure if these will be used
Mode 4
This was the first mode I felt was ok. Still very tame, but this is where it started to become drifting.
Mode 3 and 2
These settings are an extension of Mode 3, but with increasing angle. As the mode increases, the gyro action comes on later (More angle), but still able to maintain drift without spinning.
Mode 1
This is the highest setting and allows for the quickest transitions and most angle. The gyro action kicks in the latest of all of them, but still prevents spinning. When the gyro does it’s thing, it is more abrupt which I like.

The main difference between the REVOX and the standard gyros is as you climb through the modes, the transitions become “snappier”. The initial movement increases in speed and the rotation stops more abruptly.

Overall, the ReveD REVOX Gyro seems to be a winner. I found myself wishing for a Mode 0 or actually Mode -1 if the curve were to change in the same way they did between Mode 1 and Mode 4. It should be fine for most if they are coming from a standard gyro. If you are coming from a programable gyro, you may find yourself expecting or wishing for a bit more. For those who want a more snappy gyro but don’t want to deal with learning the various settings in more complicated programmable gyros, this is a good compromise. I suspect most will go straight to Mode 1 and set it and forget it. I’m looking forward to seeing if the selectable modes are used, or if one setting will reign supreme.
First, I want to give some insight on my testing process. I installed the ReveD REVOX per the instructions, and found I had to reverse the direction. After doing this, I was experiencing quite a bit of servo jitter. I went into the servo settings and found at 150 damper, it stopped the jitters. I then went to the testing of the modes. I ran through all the modes a total of 3 times each, for approximately 10 mins. I went through a total of 2 batteries, and partially a 3rd. The first round was used to just see how each mode worked, as well as how it was to change the settings. The second round I used to try to find the true differences between the modes. The third round I used to take notes on my findings for my write up. I found every time I ended up in Mode 6, I would continue to drive with others since it was the most like my settings on the gyro I am using.
Come this morning, RC Levell reaches out to me and let’s me know his findings are the EXACT opposite of mine when it comes to the different modes. I was / am certain my notes were correct, but I am always after the truth, so this had really sparked my interest. After discussing more in depth with RC Levell, it became clear he had really gone into the REVOX as well.
I reinstalled the REVOX, to get another test session in, either to confirm RC Levell’s findings, or to hopefully find some sort of explanation for him. I started out in Mode 6, as this was the mode that worked best for me. To my surprise, Mode 6 ended up being almost undriftable this time around. Basically I find the modes to be reversed. I am not above making mistakes, but a lot would have had to happen for my process to total break down and my results to be flipped completely.
Our findings are the same, but only the Mode Numbers are reversed. Today after reinstalling the REVOX, my findings correspond with RC Levell’s. I am at a loss as to what could have happened. I went through 2 battery swaps during my testing, so power cycling it is not the cause. Mode 1 and Mode 6 are different enough there is no way to confuse the 2. At any rate, it’s all about putting the correct information out there. As of today, the modes reflected in the article will be corrected to reflect the latest findings. I am very curious as to what happened, here. As I said, I am not above making a mistake, but going completely opposite when actually basing everything on those mode numbers has left me scratching my head.
Shout out to RC Levell for helping me figure this out.
You can check it out here!
ReveD Revox Programmable Gyro