Super-G Revamp! New Website and Store!
May 6, 2024

We have just about finished our big revamp of the Super-G operations. This has been a long time in the making and is why Joe and myself have been MIA for so long (close to 7 months). Since the SDC 2023 Finals back in October, we have been preparing for this big change over. Well, not exactly.
When we first started Super-G, we were just trying to find a way to get the parts we were going to bring in to you guys. So we found something that would allow a simple website. It was on a smaller scale than now, but it worked. As time progressed and the online store began to materialize into something more, it was apparent we were on borrowed time. We kept making fixes and workarounds to keep it going, but we were nearing the limits and started crashing our site due to traffic. This became more and more common, and we needed to make a change.
We started working with one of our friends, Shane Alexander to get onto a more suitable setup. His insight and expertise has proven to be invaluable. Without his help, we would still be trying to find a fix for our hurting website. Our initial estimation on a completion date was a couple months. So we thought we would be making the official move at the end of the year, or the very beginning of the new year at the latest. The job ended up being a lot more than everyone had thought, and it has brought us all the way into May.
During this time, there was ton of work going on in the backend of things. It was a lot of long hours updating inventory, adding products to both the new and old website, as well as keeping things going normally for everyone. It had gone from our normal “slammed” and fighting for any time to get the next thing done, to adding almost double to that workload. We were lucky our new web person was able to keep things sane for us. We know it was a huge undertaking for him as well, and I think a little surprising how quickly things evolve here. Our main focus was to not allow the shipping to experience any type of slowdown or hiccup during this process.
Now if that wasn’t enough, we have been exploring Mini-Z / 1:24/28 Racing, as well as the 1:24 Drift. We wanted to make sure we could accommodate the addition of both disciplines correctly if we were going to do them at all. We began to explore our different options, and the final conclusion was in order to do this, we needed more space. This meant it was time to make a move we didn’t plan to make for another year or two.
The search was on, and we found another location off-site. This would be the new home of the Super-G Fulfillment Division. With this comes even more efficient shipping which will allow us to serve you even better. Sharing inventory had its pros and cons, but ultimately sacrificed efficiency. We are very close to being able to guarantee same day shipping. Right now we are about 95% there. We hope with the new setup we will be able to get to that 100% mark. You said you wanted Amazon type speed, and we have been trying to get there since then.

Now the Super-G location as you know it will be a stand-alone store stocked with everything on our website, as well as a RC Track facility complete with a 1:10 RWD Drift Track, 1:24/28 Drift Track, and 1:24/28 Mini Z RCP Race Track. We have also added a good amount of additional indoor pit space to let everyone stretch out a bit more.

So while this physical move was taking place, it was time to flip the switch on our new website. This took being overwhelmed to a whole new level. Now here we are today! It’s time to get the doors back open and get back to what we love, RC Drift, or should I say RC in general.
Joe and I were lucky enough to have help that went above and beyond their normal grind to make this move happen. Josh, Alan, Shaine, and Vittorio really came through with the extra hours of exhausting labor to make this a reality. The amazing part is we never had to ask, they just showed up and got it done. Thank you guys!
Thank you all for being patient during this transitional time. We are looking forward to getting back to normal, and we hope these changes make it possible to serve you even better.
Soft Opening Tuesday, May 7.
Grand Reopening Event, Saturday, May 11!!!
Let’s Do This!!!