Super-G - Part 3 (The Super-G Solution)
A Problem That Needed A Solution
In the R/C world, there is one thing that used to bum me out as a kid, and that is the fact that there are so many products out there that appear to be good, but in reality they fall short. (E.g. Servos and ESCs look the same, both good and bad. Chassis all seemed as if they would be good, I mean it says so right on the box and the magazines used to confirm it) It used to be disappointing to save up to buy something, only to realize what I purchased was a poor performer or sometimes even unusable. Often times I would feel a little resentment. Deep down I knew the shop that sold it to me knew I would be back making another purchase due to the poor quality of the product they just sold me. I also learned not all offerings from reputable brands are good. Just like any other industry, there is not a single company that sells the best everything.

R/C Drift Has Specific Requirements:
Since R/C Drift is relatively new and is just now working it's way into the mainstream, there are many products aimed at our discipline. At the same time, there are products that may be good in theory, but when put to use show their shortcomings. There are also products that claim to be for R/C Drift, but the company has not put the time or research in, but has just slapped "Drift" into the title to attract this newly discovered segment. In my research, this has been most apparent in the Servo department.
The Super-G Solution (TEST TEST TEST)
What many are unaware of, here at Super-G we do extensive testing on the majority of the products we sell. Since we are Drifters doing this for Drifters, we strive to provide the very best service we can for the community. The community we serve is also the community we are a part of.
We purchase most of these products on our own dollar to test, not knowing if we will be able to offer them for sale. We end up eating the cost of the products we choose not to offer, but in the end it allows us to keep our inventory well stocked with products we feel work well and feel comfortable offering, but at the same time trimming out the "filler" products other retailers might offer just for the sake of making a sale. You would be surprised at the number of products we reject, and the companies behind them.

We don't feel we are the authority on R/C Drift, but we know what we are looking for in a product. Since we get a decent amount of traffic though our doors, we are also in the unique position to observe products our customers bring in and the issues they face. We witness many product failures and we can see trends that most don't have the opportunity to witness first hand. At the same time, we also understand there are different levels of what is acceptable and each hobbiest has their own set of needs. Entry-level to High-end products, they all have their place. We are always happy to share our knowledge with our customers.
Try Before You Buy
Chassis - Different Brands, Different Configurations, Different Setups!
Since we offer so many different brands, and we all know there is not one perfect brand, we have been continually investing in our collection of chassis to allow the Super-G customers to actually drive before they buy.
Yokomo - E, S, SXII, and EXII
MST - KMW, RMX 2.0s, RTR
Overdose - Galm
Don't Take Our Word For It
(Or anyone else's for that matter)
Come And See For Yourself
(You know you can't believe everything you read online, right?)
There are a few areas this approach shines. One of the best examples I can think of is probably the questions we are asked daily about motors.
Which is better, Torque or RPM type?
Do I go with a 10.5 or 13.5?
A short test drive is worth a million words I'm sure we can all agree.

(Are they really the same?)
Take The Mystery Out Of Your Purchase
We decided the best plan of attack for these types of questions was to have various chassis setup with different electronics. Gyros, Servos, ESCs, etc. all installed and ready to go. Test them back to back and see what fits your style better.
They are all different prices and flavors. Depending on your budget and what you are looking for, we will have a good fit for you. We can also let you know the pros and cons of the different makes and models and even make suggestions if that's what you are looking for.

Come for a test drive and find the best fit for you.
There Are Some Products We Carry That We Have Not Tested
Of course there are some products we have not yet tested, but we do offer. New products are often offered here at Super-G at their debut. If it hasn't been released previously, it's safe to say we have not yet tested it.
Many times there are products that customers themselves request or recommend due to their past experience and satisfaction. Depending on the product and the customer themselves, we may choose to offer it as well. This will normally be accompanied by a disclaimer of "some people like it, but we haven't tried it ourselves" when asked. You can be assured it will be in the queue to be tested.
Can We Provide A List Of Rejected Products
Super-G always tries to focus on the positive, and we definitely do not believe in bashing or doing anything to negatively impact any business. We simply choose to not offer their product(s). We have been approached by many companies to "push" their products, or to at least offer them, but if we are not comfortable in doing so, we quietly and respectfully decline to offer the product. Not only is it not our place to pass judgement, but it's only our opinion and there are many different opinions out there. We just want to feel comfortable in our recommendations.
We Have Something For Everyone
We feel Super-G is in the prime position to offer this solution since we are dealers for just about every product we could want. Since we offer so many brands, we are able to compare and give the pros and cons of each one.
Let's face it, there is no "one perfect brand" and there is not just one type of customer.
Brand "A" might be perfect for Customer "1", and Brand "B" might be a better match for Customer "2".
Without testing, there is no way we would be able to even form an opinion of any given product.
We believe saying a good product is bad, is just as bad as saying a bad product is good.

Oh The Fun Of Testing Different Products.
No Incentive For Biased Opinions
We also pride ourselves in being able to come in unbiased. We have chosen to not cater to just one brand, so the opinions are as honest as they can possibly be.
For example, the main chassis we offer at this time are:
Yokomo (YD2 - E and S complete lines)
MST (RMX 2.0s - KMW, Kit, and RTR)
Overdose (Galm)
(We support other chassis, but we do not offer them for sale)
Each one has it's strong points and drawbacks. If you purchase from us, there is no benefit for us to sell you one over the other, but it greatly benefits us and the community, if you are happy with your purchase.
We Are Committed To Making A Difference
In conclusion, we are trying to add a little more value to what Super-G has to offer. Even if that means we spend more time and money choosing the products we stock, we believe in the end it will allow us to build a better community.
Remember, when you buy from Super-G, you are supporting a business that is continually trying to give back to the community. From developing judging guidelines, hosting Fun Comps, hosting Official Comps, hosting Gymkhana Events, traveling to set up R/C Drift demos, developing the Super-G Instant Replay System, producing videos, live streaming, and even trying to find what we consider the best products we can find, we do it for the love of the hobby and to help grow the community we love. In the end, regardless of where you buy from, as long as you get good working products, you will help the scene grow. This is really what it's all about.