RC ART produces a lower metal aluminum bumper!

RC-ART. Yokomo. Overdose. 3 Racing. Street Jam. Tamiya etc.
7 g of front overhang produces a trace feeling of the front with a weight product of 20 g or more within the front overhang!
As a result. the stickiness to load movement in accelerator on is minimized.
Aluminum bumper designed to look at the appearance from the back of the chassis. In the case of
■ I can sense the perfect fit of front body mounts that have never existed.
■ Weight is 7 g more than standard plastic bumper.
■ 100% withdrawal of body shape performance with joint with aluminum body mount.
※ Note: When using 3 racing. street jam. Tamiya etc.
Please use bumper support made by RC-ART or Yokomo.
※ Note: It can not be used for vehicles fitted with a dregapark resin suspension block.
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