Year 5 Update Oct. 18-19, 2019

This will be the kick off for the Super-G 5 Year Event. There will be plenty of time for Open Session Driving since we are opening early. In the evening we will be hosting a SuperTwin Team Tandem Competition. There will be a small raffle immediately following the Competition where we will be raffling off an Overdose Galm among other prizes to be announced. Super-G will also have many sales running, so make sure to stock up on those items you have been wanting to pick up. Friday is meant to be very casual, as the SuperTwin has always been a light mood Competition. It's all about fun!
The SuperTwin Competition is a team tandem comp. Teams of 2 do their best lap and battle other teams for the best lap. They are judged on the overall run. (Think best dance routine) Judges will be looking at Style, Proximity, Line, Etc. Really the only hard rules being, No Crashing, Spinning, or Excessive Contact. Notice, Speed is not a consideration.
Spec Tire - DS Racing RWD FFFF Zero Mark II or Yokomo DRC for Open Session / SuperTwin Comp
SuperTwin Entry - $30 / Team (Includes Track Fee)
Track Fee - $10
4:00pm - Open Session
8:00pm - Registration Closes for SuperTwin
8:30pm - SuperTwin Team Tandem Competition
Overdose Galm Raffle and Open Session to IMMEDIATELY FOLLOW!!!
1:00am - Close
The Official Super-G 5 Year Event! This will be a day of Open Session, Sideways Fun! There will be GIVEAWAYS ALL DAY LONG! Food will be provided by our our NorCal Fam, Limited Traction! When these guys get on the grill, it's some serious grub going on! Toward evening we will be hosting our SuperShowdown Final Throwdown! This will be our 5 Year Comp, but also will be the final round of our year long points series and we will be crowning the SoCal Drift King!
Trophies will be awarded for:
Rookie Class - 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Expert Class - 1st, 2nd, 3rd
SuperShowdown Series - SoCal Drift King, 2nd, and 3rd
The Super-G Mega Raffle!
The Sponsors for the event have really stepped it up this year and generously donated to the event! This is their way of supporting and giving back to the community, so remember that the next time you need to pick something up. Support the companies that support you, the Drift Community!
Special Shout Outs to:
Overdose, Futaba, Pandora, Acuvance, Topline, Tetsujin, ScaleReflex, APlastics, Yokomo, Vertex RC, Tamiya, D-Like, and our favorite tire company - DS Racing!!!
The the astounding amount of prizes donated, the raffle will be very fast paced. So make sure to pay attention. Details at the event.
The Tsuiso Battles:
We will be running the competition as we always do for our SuperShowdown Comps. So for those of you who have taken part in any of them throughout the year, it will be very familiar.
Official Rules Here
This will be a single run format. Each competitor will have 2 qualifying runs. Each lap will start at the starting line, and will be signaled in by the judges. Each lap will be scored by the judges and the best of the 2 will be your final qualifying score. Classes (Rookie and Expert) will be decided by the judges during qualifying.
We will be using the Super-G Bracketing System, whether we have Top 16 or Top 32, depending on the turnout, the last spot will be up for grabs for the lower qualifying competitors. Example: If we have 19 entries, the Top 15 will be seeded, the remaining 16-19 qualifying spots will battle in a lower bracket for the 16th spot. This means everyone will still have a chance to work their way up, even with a bad qualifier.
Spec Tire - DS Racing RWD FFFF Zero Mark II All Around (2 Rear Included In Entry Fee) More can be purchased if needed.
1100g Max Weight at the rear wheels
Spec Tire - DS Racing RWD FFFF Zero Mark II (Required to be on the track)
SuperShowdown Entry Fee - $35 (Includes Track Fee & 2 Rear Tires)
Track Fee - $10
1:00pm - Open Practice
6:00pm - Registration for SuperShowdown Closes
6:30pm - Drivers Meeting / Qualifying / Tsuiso Battles / Award Ceremony
Super-G Mega Raffle and Open Session to IMMEDIATELY FOLLOW!!!
3:00am - Close
Subject to change
We hope to see you all there!