The Reboot / Festival Of Fun! 12/02/17
Super-G Phase II

December 2 we officially launched Super-G Phase 2. The past few months have been a lot of restructuring and reorganizing. We had planned to have more done by this past weekend in terms of the track being more finalized, but things have a way of popping up and just sucking up the time. It's all good though. We all know it's all about having fun, and The Festival Of Fun was just that, fun!

Colin along with Victor from Team Nanashi handled the events for the night. They ran a Crazy Entry Contest and a King Of The Hill Comp. They did an awesome job of organizing and announcing! The event would not have been the same without them! They allowed Joe to tend to the store while I was able to man the BBQ and make some chicken for tacos later that evening. Team D-Style - Jon, Mikko, and Shaine helped out with the judging.
[caption id="attachment_9578" align="alignnone" width="474"]
Mikko, Shaine, Jon, and Jeff[/caption]
King Of The Hill was the highlight of the night! We had 20+ drivers, everyone showing some serious skills! The newest edition to The RawFew team, 11 year old Ethan made it to the Top 8! He had everyone shaking in their shoes with his consistent runs. I expect we will all see some good stuff coming from him in the upcoming months. Our man Tim has been making huge strides in his skills, making it to 4th place! The winners of the night - 3rd - Mikko Yang, 2nd - Josh Espinoza, and King Of The Hill, 1st - Victor Esquivel!!!
[caption id="attachment_9579" align="alignnone" width="474"]
King Of The Hill - Victor Esquivel, 2nd - Josh Espinoza, and 3rd - Mikko Yang[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_9580" align="alignnone" width="474"]
Crazy Entry Winners - Josh Espinoza, Grant Agngarayngay, and Jon Mundo[/caption]
To wrap up the evening, the guys surprised me by remembering my upcoming birthday! I'm not quite 80 like the candles said, but I'm close! It was an awesome way to kick off the birthday week!
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The Candles were already taken off, but it said 80! Ben gots jokes![/caption]
Overall the night was a lot of fun. The vibe was right! It seems everyone who attended knows it's all about keeping things positive and building the community. It's really like one big family gathering. We were lucky enough to be a part of Jeff Yang's first comp, and also to have Grant and Julie from Vegas to come and join in the fun! We were missing quite a few people, but we all know it's that time of year, company dinners, shopping, and doing the family thing. We are just looking forward to the next time we can all slide together!

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This chicken was BOMB!!![/caption]

December 2 we officially launched Super-G Phase 2. The past few months have been a lot of restructuring and reorganizing. We had planned to have more done by this past weekend in terms of the track being more finalized, but things have a way of popping up and just sucking up the time. It's all good though. We all know it's all about having fun, and The Festival Of Fun was just that, fun!

Colin along with Victor from Team Nanashi handled the events for the night. They ran a Crazy Entry Contest and a King Of The Hill Comp. They did an awesome job of organizing and announcing! The event would not have been the same without them! They allowed Joe to tend to the store while I was able to man the BBQ and make some chicken for tacos later that evening. Team D-Style - Jon, Mikko, and Shaine helped out with the judging.
[caption id="attachment_9578" align="alignnone" width="474"]

King Of The Hill was the highlight of the night! We had 20+ drivers, everyone showing some serious skills! The newest edition to The RawFew team, 11 year old Ethan made it to the Top 8! He had everyone shaking in their shoes with his consistent runs. I expect we will all see some good stuff coming from him in the upcoming months. Our man Tim has been making huge strides in his skills, making it to 4th place! The winners of the night - 3rd - Mikko Yang, 2nd - Josh Espinoza, and King Of The Hill, 1st - Victor Esquivel!!!
[caption id="attachment_9579" align="alignnone" width="474"]

[caption id="attachment_9580" align="alignnone" width="474"]

To wrap up the evening, the guys surprised me by remembering my upcoming birthday! I'm not quite 80 like the candles said, but I'm close! It was an awesome way to kick off the birthday week!
[caption id="attachment_9581" align="alignnone" width="474"]

Overall the night was a lot of fun. The vibe was right! It seems everyone who attended knows it's all about keeping things positive and building the community. It's really like one big family gathering. We were lucky enough to be a part of Jeff Yang's first comp, and also to have Grant and Julie from Vegas to come and join in the fun! We were missing quite a few people, but we all know it's that time of year, company dinners, shopping, and doing the family thing. We are just looking forward to the next time we can all slide together!

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