The Super Drift Championship 2021 USA Finals is quickly approaching
We know people are making plans to attend, so we wanted to provide a rough schedule for the week. Some of the details of the event may change, but what is happening on the dates has been set. There will be periodic updates here as we get closer to the event.
Update October 19, 2021:
Here we are, the week of the Super Drift Championship 2021 U.S.A. Finals / Championship! Super-G will be open special hours to allow testing and tuning for the upcoming competition this weekend. Keep in mind, Super-G’s surface is polished concrete and is one of the more slick surfaces around. Please allow time to tune for this.
COVID-19 - Los Angeles County requires us to enforce a MANDATORY Mask Policy. Masks will be required to be warn at all times while inside the venue. Keep in mind, we don’t like it any more than you do. SO PLEASE, do your part to make this easy for all of us. Let’s be grateful we are able to come together and share this great hobby we are all a part of.
Spec Tire - Since DS Racing had announced the discontinuation of the Super-G Spec Tire, DS Racing Comp III LF-5, we have been working with DS Racing to come up with a solution since the LF-5 was the best tire we had used to date. Being unsure of shipping these days, we couldn’t be certain the new Super-G Spec Tire - The TSG-007 would be in our possession in time for the finals. Fortunately, our shipment has landed and the new TSG-007 tire has met all of our expectations. To level the playing field, and further remove any home court advantage, we will be using the the new TSG-007 Tire for the SDC2021 USA Finals. They will be available starting today, Tuesday, October 19th.
New Track Layout. The layout for the SDC2021 USA Championship is now live. The qualifying line will be disclosed on Friday, October 22nd. Nobody other than myself is aware of the line that will be used for the Finals. Please don’t ask, cause I like being the only one who knows.
Remember, it’s all about having fun! Can’t wait to see all of you this weekend!!!
Update August 27, 2021:
- Driver’s Meeting (In Depth) has been moved to Friday at 3:00pm
- Start time of the qualifying rounds on Friday, and Saturday to 5:00pm
- Open Session (Everyone) has been moved to 6:30pm - 12:00am Friday and Saturday
- Competition Start Time changed to Sunday 2:00pm
- Open Session (Sunday) changed to 5:00pm to 12:00am
- Cost for the event added
- Link for Official Rules for Super Drift Championship 2021 U.S.A. Finals added
We have made provisions for everybody to be able to session together, Competitors and Non-Competitors, on every day of Finals Week. So if you are considering coming out, but were not sure if you would be able to drive, rest assured there will be time.
We have worked out special pricing at the Baldwin Park Courtyard Marriott for any of our out of town guests. Just follow the link to access this:
Courtyard Marriott - Project-G Corp. Special Pricing
There are 4 ways to qualify to compete in the Super Drift Championship 2021 USA Finals:
1 - Champion of your designated region (Super-G will provide your lodging)
2 - Any podium finish in your designated region
3 - Have participated in a minimum of 50% of your designated regionals (*revised as of 10/1/21)
4 - If you do not have a Super Drift Championship Regional with 200 miles of where you reside (Email Steve.superg@gmail.com to confirm)
Entry Fee:
$65.00 (Pre-registration also includes Dinner and Track Fee for Thursday, October 21)
Track fee for Oct. 22, 23, 24. (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday)
Spec. Tires (Set of 4)
FORMAT: (Depending on the number of competitors)
Round 1 (Friday)
Every competitor will be given 2 qualifying runs
The Top 16 qualifiers of Round 1 will be seeded in the TOP 32
Round 2 (Saturday)
The remaining competitors (Not In Top 16) will be given 2 qualifying runs
The Top 15 qualifiers of Round 2 will be seeded in the bottom half of the Top 32
The next 31 highest qualifiers will be seeded in the Bottom 32
The remainder will be seeded in the Lower Brackets (If enough competitors permit)
Tsuiso (Battles)
The Winner of the Lower Brackets will take the 32nd spot in the Bottom 32
The Winner of the Bottom 32 will take the 32nd spot in the Top 32
The Winner of the Top 32 will be Crowned The Super Drift Championship 2021 USA Drift King!
Schedule for the week of Finals:
Tuesday Oct. 19th
Practice Day (Standard Track Fee Applies)
3:00pm - Open Session (Everybody Welcome)
11:00pm - Venue Close
Wednesday Oct. 20th
Practice Day (Standard Track Fee Applies)
3:00pm - Open Session (Everybody Welcome)
11:00pm - Venue Close
Thursday Oct. 21st
Opening Day / Meet and Greet
12:00pm - Open Session (Everybody Welcome)
7:00pm - Dinner provided by Super-G (Pre-Registered Competitors)
12:00am - Venue Close
Friday Oct. 22nd
Qualifying / Practice / Open Session
12:00pm - Open Session (Everybody Welcome)
1:00pm - Test/Tune/Practice (Competitors Only)
3:00pm - Drivers Meeting. In-Depth Coverage of Rules (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for anyone competing in the Super Drift Championship Finals.
5:00pm - Qualifying Round 1
6:30pm - Open Session (Everybody Welcome)
12:00am - Venue Close
Saturday Oct. 23rd
Qualifying / Practice / Open Session
12:00pm - Open Session (Everybody Welcome)
1:00pm - Test / Tune / Practice (Competitors Only)
5:00pm - Qualifying Round 2
6:30pm - Open Session (Everybody Welcome)
12:00am - Venue Close
Sunday, Oct. 24th
Super Drift Championship 2021 USA Finals
12:00pm - Practice (Competitors Only)
2:00pm - Drivers Meeting / Competition
Award Ceremony to Immediately Follow
5:00pm - Open Session (Everybody Welcome)
12:00am - Venue Closed
Information subject to change without warning. Super-G will not be held responsible for any expenses, damages, etc. incurred.