StanceNation 2018 - Super-G / Limited Traction Collaboration

Sunday, December 2, 2018
Costa Mesa, California - Orange County Fairgrounds
This was a RC Drift filled weekend, with the Super-G SuperShowdown (Monthly Competition) on Saturday, and StanceNation 2018 on Sunday. Although it was hectic, it worked out well since our Drift Family from NorCal (Limited Traction, Team Bushido/Fatlace, and Speed Junkies) were able to join us for the SuperShowdown as well.

Ever since the completion of StanceNation 2017, Super-G/RawFew have been planning with our guys from Limited Traction to go even harder this year. Although 2017 was insane, we must admit we were hurting a little in the scale prop department. We were determined to surpass last years display by a long shot!
Dennis from Limited Traction brought a trailer full of props and track pieces to add to the Super-G props. I have to say, the amount of props these guys have is mind blowing! Schaaaaaale!

Since word got out StanceNation was happening again this year, a few groups expressed interest. Of course a West Coast event would really put this event on the map. To commemorate this event, we got right to work on a West Coast Collaboration Shirt with all the participating teams and groups to have a presence on it. Since we had been using images of Josh Geeg's incredible Skyline build for our banners and such for this event, it only seemed fitting to put it on the shirt!
The day of the event, we rolled in deep knowing we only had a few hours to transform a blank display area to a scale RC Drift Circuit. NorCal had what seemed to be 40+ people, but in reality was closer to 15. Limited Traction and Team Bushido / Fatlace provided the man-power to do all the heavy lifting. As soon as the layout was set, everyone went right to work creating a scale masterpiece! We had something like 40 feet x 80 feet to fill with scale madness, and we were up to the challenge. We worked right up til security check which took place at noon, with Max and Ian from SwiftSuns stepping in to save the day since Joe was struggling to get the wiring for some of the lighted props completed in time.

The Track:
What can we say about the track that the pictures don't? This was by far one of the most impressive tracks we have been a part of. Scale buildings, garages, track barriers, bridges, and even a real 1:10 scale car show inside of the car show! This was complete with official StanceNation Awards! With this size track, we were all grateful Limited Traction had brought their drivers stands. The extra height it provided allowed the drivers to get a good view of what was going on, even with all the props on the track. If the track looks a little empty, that's because of the sheer size of the track. 40'x80' is MASSSIVE and will make any setup look a little sparse.

1:10 Scale Car Show in the Car Show!
Some say this is the first "Real" 1:10 Scale R/C Drift Car Show in Cali. We aren't sure if that's true, but we are sure official StanceNation Awards were given! Best of Show, Best Team, and Best Daily Driver. (This award was sent to us later)

Check Out the 1:10 Car Show Coverage Here!!!
The Session / Demo:
We we first opened the track, the surface was really grippy. The cars were fast and needed a lot of throttle to keep sideways. Not the worst scenario, but different from what most of us are accustomed to. It wasn't the best for keeping smooth tandems, but there was a lot of speed. A few expressed disappointment since they want to show R/C Drift is about style, not a sideways drag race. I assured them the speed would start to slow as we put some laps on it.

As the day progressed and the tires put more and more plastic on the surface, it started to become more slick. About mid event I would say the surface was perfect! Just the right amount of bite, but also enough slip to keep the speeds in check and the slides consistent. Tandems were getting good and and the RC Drift Demo was at it's peak! Quite a few teams were paired up and throwing down some serious tandem laps. Even I was impressed with what I was witnessing. By the looks of the crowd and how much time people were spending watching and asking questions, I have to say without a doubt the demo was a hit! It has been estimated we had 60+ active drivers throughout the day!

SuperTwin II - Team Tandem Competition:
Toward the end of the event, it was time for the SuperTwin II competition. This is a team tandem competition where teams of 2 compete against other teams to see who can put down the best lap. It's all about being able to drive together and keep everything in sync with your teammate. We had 11 teams take part in this competition. That's 22 drivers. Not a bad turnout, but we are hoping to see more as this segment of R/C Drift continues to grow.

The teams were as follows:
Genki Style - Mikko Yang / Shaine Collins
Team 90's - Chad Guyette / Nico Lozada
Team LT Red Balls - Brian Lemi / Ryno Degala
Team LT Blue Balls - BJ Caroza / Dennis Caroza
Team Destruction - Michael / Ryan Aguiling
Recking Kru - Mark Santa Cruz/ Joe Tam
Team Halo - Hao Huang / Karlo
Vanilla Cream - Max Wilkinson / Ian Sudduth
Team Yomoko - Kevin Motter / Steve Fujita
The Leftovers - Grant Agngarayngay / Ethan David
Fatlace Crew - Dan Aguada/ Erick Gonzales
Just as the comp was starting, the weather became cold, the sun decided to be right at eye-level, and the track became really slick. Not that it mattered since everyone was up against the same struggles, but it did throw a wrench in the works, and added a little more stress than everyone was dealing with the entire day.

The competition was double eliminations giving everyone a chance to lose and still come back for the win. In the end, it was Team Yomoko vs Genki Style. This was quite fitting since Team Yomoko was comprised of Steve Fujita - Super-G Official Judge and Kevin Motter - Most winningest team driver for Super-G, and Team Genki was comprised of Shaine Collins - Super-G Official Judge and Mikko Yang - Most winningest team driver for GGT. We are all friends who drive and compete on a weekly basis, so this was all about fun, but let's be honest, of course we all want to win.
The final battle was started and the driving was so close, an OMT (One More Time) was called by our panel of judges. This meant they could not determine a winning team. With the added pressure of the OMT, both teams set out to put down their very best! Team Yomoko (Kevin Motter and Steve Fujita) came out victorious, taking the win and brining it home for RawFew and Super-G R/C Drift Arena!

Team Tandem Competitions:
Super-G / RawFew / Limited Traction have been actively pursuing Team Tandem Competitions for a little over a year now. As much as we all love the Tsuiso style competition, we feel the Team Tandem style is a little different adds a different level of preparation and competition. It's a different type of battle and a different type of fun. It allows you and your teammates to work on style, flow, and synchronizing your moves and transitions. Rather than to try to beat your competitor head to head, your team tries to do the very best performance they can pull off. Team effort vs. Individual performance. This past event was a good indication the Team Tandem is taking off. The winners this time were decided based on performance rather than who didn't crash. We hope to see this style of competition catch on even more, as it will be a good addition to the standard Tsuiso battles.

Team Tandem Past Results:
SuperTwin II - 12.02.18
Team Yomoko - Kevin Motter / Steve Fujita
Team: RawFew
SuperTwin - 10.12.18
LT Bright Balls - BJ Caroza / Dennis Caroza
Team: Limited Traction
Super SmackDown - 8.18.18
LT Blue Balls - Dennis Caroza / Rynne Degala / Brian Lemi
Team: Limited Traction
Triple Threat Team Tandem - 7.01.18
LT Blue Balls - Brian Lemi / Rynne Degala / Albert Matote
Team: Limited Traction
Triple Team Tandem 3.17.18
RawThree - Mark Santa Cruz / Nick Lepisto / Joe Tam
Team: RawFew
At the conclusion of the event, it was time to break everything down and pack it all up. I'm not sure who stayed and who left, but I will say I believe everyone who participated stuck around and helped with the tear-down and clean up.

We want to extend a very special thank you to our brothers from NorCal - Limited Traction, Speed Junkies, and Team Bushido/Fatlace for making the 300+ mile journey to do this collaboration with Super-G! You guys seriously put in the work. Speaking of work, I also want to point out during setup and teardown, it did not go unnoticed how much of the heavy lifting you guys handled. That along with Ian and Max of SwiftSuns, staying back and getting the wiring handled during setup was huge! Thank you! I cannot stress how much this has shown. Seeing everyone come together and work together to pull off such an epic R/C Drift demo, that's the real story here. Also a huge thanks to Gio and Elvis of StanceNation for making this all possible!
See you all on March 3, 2019!!!