Round 1 - S.D.C. 2022 SoCal Region
June 25, 2022

This past weekend was the season opener for the SoCal Region Super Drift Championship 2022 Series, and it was nothing short of AMAZING! R/C Drift in the SoCal area has been booming and the skill level of drivers has been rising at an astounding pace. Round 1 for the SoCal Region at Train Yard at the Super-G facility was a clear indicator of where things are headed.

All the heavy hitters from the past seasons were present and ready to throw down. In talking to a few of the new-comers, they were excited to experience this side of the hobby, and to see how their skills match up. Attitudes were awesome! The feeling amongst the majority of the competitors was it being about the fun and experience, and less focus on the win. This is what R/C Drift has been about for most who have been in the hobby for any measurable length of time - Fun First.

There were 43 competitors for Round 1. This season instead of having a sportsman class, we have decided to encourage everyone to level up and push for the overall win. This has proven to be the correct move since everyone rose to the occasion.
For this season, we have made a change to the format. We now form a Top 16 Bracket with the top 15 qualifying scores being seeded in the Top 16. The remainder will battle it out in the lower bracket to fight for the last spot in the Top 16. This improves the competition for everyone involved by more closely matching liked skilled drivers against each other, rather than to have the Top Qualifier battling the lowest qualifier right out of the gate. This weekend proved this made for far better and exciting battles the entire event.

Shaine Collins and Manny Campalans have returned for the 2022 season, and in addition to this, Colin Chambers has returned to judge as well. For those who are unaware, Colin and Shaine have been heavily involved in the creation and evolution of the S.D.C. Rules from the very first draft. They have actually been the most influential individuals in it’s existence. Manny has been a huge part in it’s continual improvements for over half of its existence. These guys are seriously the finest judges we can ask for since they have a deep understanding of why each of the rules have come to be implemented as they have. Huge thanks for the judges for taking on this stressful task. The entire S.D.C. Series would not be here without all your hard work and dedication.

As always, the qualifying was intense. It’s probably the most nerve-racking of all aspects of R/C Drift Comps. It was good to see everyone, first-timers included, rising to the occasion and making it happen. When it was all said and done, Jason Fordyce, driver for Team Super-G, Team Futaba USA, Acuvance USA, and ScaleReflex, pulled off the best run of the event, scoring him a 93/100 and locked down the Hoonigan sponsored TQ (Top Qualifier). Jason received some serious Hoonigan swag! Congratulations Jason!

With the new format, the winner of the Lower Bracket would secure the final spot in the Top 16 for the evening. Matthew Rojas, a first time competitor hit the scene hard and battled his way through 5 Rounds to land himself in the 16th spot of the Top 16! Great job Matthew!!! Everyone has their eye on you!

The Top 16 was filled with some serious battles! It was obvious everyone brought their skills. In the end, it was Jason Fordyce - Team Super-G / Team Futaba USA / Acuvance USA / ScaleReflex taking the win!!! Kris Steele - Team Outbreak taking Second, and Johnny Gonzales - TB Inc., landing Third Place!

This was Round 1 of the SoCal Region for the Super Drift Championship 2022. If this is any indication of what is in store for this upcoming season, the Finals in October will be INSANE! The skill level is amazing and will continue to improve as the season progresses. We cannot wait!
Congratulations to Jason Fordyce - First Place. Kris Steele - Second Place. And Johnny Gonzales - Third Place! Also a special congratulations to Matthew Rojas for winning the Lower Bracket!