Fun Comp Number 5
Super-G Fun Comp 5
Saturday, August 15, 2015
It had been a while since our last Fun Comp, so we felt it was time to get started again. We have been working on a new track layout, and after 5 or so tries, we finally found one we felt comfortable with.
We decided to go with a King of the Hill style competition this time around which has always worked well for us in the past. This time was a little different since we had 18 AWD entries AND 10 RWD ENTRIES!!! This was the first time we were able to have a separate class. From the looks of things, the trend is going to continue and the RWD class is sure to keep growing.
What made this Fun Comp Different:
A challenge every comp faces is the judging. There are many different styles of judging, different levels of knowledge between judges, and different judging criteria. Since this was a "Fun" comp, we tried to get everyone involved in the judging. This way everyone could learn what the judges are looking for, and the challenges they face. It became apparent very quickly that judging isn't an easy task. At the same time, it seemed good to get everyone involved.
The Batttles:
First up was the AWD class. It was separated into 2 groups of 9. The battles were great! Some seasoned pros we in the mix along with some beginners. Everyone was mixing it up and the beginners quickly had shown they had what it takes to make the experienced really work for it. Three knock-outs and the winner advanced to the finals to duke it out for first. The final battles were pretty intense, and Derrick Islas, a first-timer dominated the arena and took out competitor after competitor with his precision driving, taking home the win.
Next up was the RWD class. Everyone present was surprised at the level of competition in this first time class. Many of the runs were redone multiple times due to the precision driving of the contestants. In the end, John and Tyler went head to head, panel to panel, and experience prevailed. John took the win, but not without a serious fight!!!

Presenting the winners of the night - John Mundo (RWD) and Derrick Islas (AWD)
After the final bout, Super-G had a special raffle for all the contestants who remained to watch the finals. Prizes were donated by Tetusjin, Falken Tires, and Super-G R/C Drift Arena.
Congratulations to our winners of the night, as well as all who participated. We will work on a system to move the next comp along a little quicker.

Saturday, August 15, 2015
It had been a while since our last Fun Comp, so we felt it was time to get started again. We have been working on a new track layout, and after 5 or so tries, we finally found one we felt comfortable with.
We decided to go with a King of the Hill style competition this time around which has always worked well for us in the past. This time was a little different since we had 18 AWD entries AND 10 RWD ENTRIES!!! This was the first time we were able to have a separate class. From the looks of things, the trend is going to continue and the RWD class is sure to keep growing.
What made this Fun Comp Different:
A challenge every comp faces is the judging. There are many different styles of judging, different levels of knowledge between judges, and different judging criteria. Since this was a "Fun" comp, we tried to get everyone involved in the judging. This way everyone could learn what the judges are looking for, and the challenges they face. It became apparent very quickly that judging isn't an easy task. At the same time, it seemed good to get everyone involved.
The Batttles:
First up was the AWD class. It was separated into 2 groups of 9. The battles were great! Some seasoned pros we in the mix along with some beginners. Everyone was mixing it up and the beginners quickly had shown they had what it takes to make the experienced really work for it. Three knock-outs and the winner advanced to the finals to duke it out for first. The final battles were pretty intense, and Derrick Islas, a first-timer dominated the arena and took out competitor after competitor with his precision driving, taking home the win.
Next up was the RWD class. Everyone present was surprised at the level of competition in this first time class. Many of the runs were redone multiple times due to the precision driving of the contestants. In the end, John and Tyler went head to head, panel to panel, and experience prevailed. John took the win, but not without a serious fight!!!

Presenting the winners of the night - John Mundo (RWD) and Derrick Islas (AWD)
After the final bout, Super-G had a special raffle for all the contestants who remained to watch the finals. Prizes were donated by Tetusjin, Falken Tires, and Super-G R/C Drift Arena.
Congratulations to our winners of the night, as well as all who participated. We will work on a system to move the next comp along a little quicker.