Fun Comp Number 3 / Toyota Hilux Contest

Fun Comp Number 3 / Toyota Hilux Contest

by admin on Feb 17, 2015 Categories: EVENTS

FC 3 Group

February 15, 2015. Fun Comp #3 at Super-G RC Drift Arena. Congrats to the winner of the night, John Benson Medina for taking the win of the night! 1st - John Benson Medina 2nd - Oscar Cobian 3rd - Nick Lepisto 4th - Noe Great job to everyone who participated! Special thanks to Vertex RC for coming out to join us for the fun comp. FC 3a

A little warm up before we get underway.  FC 3b Indoor pit space, complete with power and compressed air.

FC 3 BC LineUp

The Toyota Hilux Body Comp Line-Up. There was some serious work put into these bodies.

FC 3 BC6FC 3 BC1 FC 3 BC3FC 3 BC5 FC 3 BC2FC 3 BC4FC 3 BCw3The WINNER Voted By Everyone Present!!! Great Job, Chavo Sanchez! 

FC 3 BCw4Roll Bar, Fuel Cell, and NOS!!! FC 3 BCw5Seats with harnesses, complete dash, steering wheel, and even a center console.

FC 3 BCw1 Another view of the detailed interior.

FC 3 BCw2Awesome execution and a well deserved win!