SNS 032319 Train

3/23/19 Saturday Night Showdowns (Round 7)

by admin on Mar 29, 2019 Categories: EVENTS

This entire week had been really busy, so we didn't know what to expect on Saturday. Were people really going to come out all 3 days? As it turns out, yes they did! We were missing a few regulars, but Tech1Drift came out again and seemed they were determined to make their mark on the Saturday Night Showdowns.

Just for fun we have made the Saturday Night Showdowns a point series. It’s all for fun and every participant receives points which will be used at the end of the year.

Points will be awarded as follows:
15 pts – First Place
12 pts – Second Place
10 pts – Third Place
8 pts – Forth Place
7 pts – Fifth Place (Remainder of Top 8)
6 pts – Participation Points

Judging for the evening was Colin Chambers, Shaine Colins, and myself. Thanks for the help guys!

After Comp Session

This was the first competition on the new Super-G layout! I wasn't quite sure what to expect since this is the only layout we had previously that we brought back, I was really hoping it would work out for a comp. I was glad to find out it worked really well and with the additional lines we have made provisions for, it should prove to be a long-term winner.

The Top 4 came down to Kevin Motter vs. Manny Campalans for 3rd and 4th spots, and Alfredo Chan III vs. Colin Chambers for 1st and 2nd. Both put down some serious runs, but in the end Kevin came out victorious being deeper in the clips and holding more angle for the 3rd spot on the podium. Manny grabbed a respectable 4th. Then it was time for the Main Event, Alfredo vs. Colin. On the first round both Alfredo and Colin had some issues with making contact. We had to call it even and go for a OMT (One More Time)! It was clear both these guys wanted to take home the win, so out of the gate Alfredo threw some mad speed at Colin! Colin answered back by keeping great proximity and keeping in line with his chase! Then it was Colin's lead and Alfredo was hot on his door! Then it happened, Colin over-rotated and it was all over! Alfredo took home the Top Spot!!! Colin took a hard fought 2nd place, but he mentioned something about it still being a win since he beat Kevin. Ha!

1st Place - Alfredo Chan III, 2nd Place - Colin Chambers, 3rd Place - Kevin Motter

Then it was time for the Main Event, Ethan vs. Manny for that top spot and winner of the night! First to lead was Manny and as is expected, he pulled out a great lead! Deep in the clips with great angle. Ethan answered back with a great chase, matching angle, and tight proximity! The pressure was on and it was Ethan's turn to lead. Both these guys were obviously feeling the pressure since they both did so well in the first run. Out of the gate Manny was all over Ethan's bumper! That didn't seem to shake Ethan and he threw down a great lead. This was an identical run to the first, THEN IT HAPPENED. On the transition from the second to the last clip to the last, Manny made a SLIGHT miscalculation putting him in position to impede Ethan's transition and cause contact and throw Ethan's line off. Ethan takes the win over Manny and takes home the win! Manny takes a hard fought 2nd place which is no easy feat against Super-G's very own Ethan!

Manny Campalans with the 4th Place Sneak

Points Earned – 3/23/19:
1st. 15 pts – Alfredo Chan III
2nd. 12 pts – Colin Chambers
3rd. 10 pts – Kevin Motter
4th. 8 pts – Manny Campalans
5th. 7 pts – Hao Huang
5th. 7 pts – Alan Benites
5th. 7 pts – Mikko Yang
5th. 7 pts – Tim Mulhmeyer
9th. 6 pts – Josh Espinoza
9th. 6 pts – Karlo Malabanca
9th. 6 pts – Joe Tam
9th. 6 pts – Sam Taylor
9th. 6 pts – Andy Orozco
9th. 6 pts – Shaine Collins
9th. 6 pts – Mark Santa Cruz
9th. 6 pts - Jayson Ragasa
9th. 6 pts - Nick Lepisto
9th. 6 pts - Juan Duran

Point Standings – 3/23/19:
1st – 68 pts – Alan Benites (7)
2nd – 62 pts – Tim Mulhmeyer (7)
3rd. – 58 pts – Hao Haung (7)
4th. – 49 pts – Manny Campalans (8)
5th. – 48 pts – Mark Santa Cruz (6)
6th. – 46 pts – Joe Tam (6)
7th. – 43 pts – Aydin Angulo 
8th. – 40 pts – Josh Espinoza (6)
9th. – 39 pts – Colin Chambers (12)
10th. – 35 pts – Sam Angulo
11th. – 30 pts – Nick Lepisto (6)
12th. – 28 pts – Kevin Motter (10)
13th. – 25 pts – Steve Fujita
14th. – 24 pts – Karlo Malabanca (6)
15th. - 21 pts – Alfredo Chan III (15)
15th. – 21 pts – Ethan David
17th. – 18 pts – Sam Taylor (6)
18th. – 17 pts – Mikko Yang (7)
19th. – 13 pts – Mark Solnyshkin
20th. – 12 pts – Jelani Robinson 
20th. – 12 pts – 
Travon Yancy 
22nd. - 7 pts - Tyler Hill
22nd. – 7 pts – Dennis Caroza
22nd. – 7 pts – Jose Sanchez
25th. - 6 pts - Andy Orozco (6)
25th. - 6 pts - Shaine Collins (6)
25th. - 6 pts - Jayson Ragasa (6)
25th. - 6 pts - Juan Duran (6)
25th. - 6 pts – Jian Allen
25th. - 6 pts – Brian Kroells
25th. – 6 pts – AJ Caroza
25th. – 6 pts – Chris Lagasca
25th. – 6 pts – Dan Aguada
25th. – 6 pts – Rynne Degala
25th. – 6 pts – Erick Gonzalez
25th. – 6 pts – Jose
25th. – 6 pts – 
Danny Aguilar
25th. – 6 pts – 
Kris Steele
25th. – 6 pts – 
Alex Dagondon
25th. – 6 pts – 
Shilun Gu 
41st. - 0 pts