1/12/19 Saturday Night Showdowns (Fun Comp Series)

Saturday, January 12, 2019:
Tonight was the first SNS of 2019. 2018 was exciting, but 2019 is looking to be even better. New people, new chassis, new season, it's going to be exciting!
RawFew Driver Kevin Motter ended the official 2018 Season with 11 back to back wins, and Mikko Yang of Team D-Style was coming in with the last 3 back to back wins with 2 unofficial fun comps and the first SuperShowdown Round 1. We were anticipating a POSSIBLE continuation of either of these winning streaks. Consecutive wins are consecutive wins. Did either of them pull this off?
Since this was the first Saturday Night Showdowns of the season, I will give a rundown of the point system. Since it's all for fun, the points are for fun too. Many were asking if we could do something like this just so they know how they are doing in the group. We have changed the point system a bit since we announced the series.
Points will be awarded as follows:
15 pts - First Place
12 pts - Second Place
10 pts - Third Place
8 pts - Forth Place
7 pts - Fifth Place (Remainder of Top 8)
6 pts - Participation Points
This particular Saturday was cold and raining, but that didn't scare the die-hards off! Everyone came through to start off the year the right way! The mood was light and everyone was having a great time. The fun was definitely in the Fun Comp! There were a few of us testing / shaking down new chassis. It made for an interesting night!
A special thanks going out to Colin Chambers and Kevin Motter for stepping up and judging along side of myself for a pretty solid judge rotation.
As we worked our way up though the top 8, it came down to Kevin Motter vs. Josh Espinoza for 3rd and 4th spots. Josh was on it this weekend and was definitely going to make Kevin work for it. It seemed Kevin knew this, so on his lead run, he threw down some seriously deep lines. Unfortunately for Kevin, he tried to drag a wall a little too close and ended up making contact resulting in a good bounce! The crowd went silent. On the following run, Josh was on the lead, Kevin chasing. Josh without much effort, was able to navigate the course smoothly, locking him in for a solid 3 place on the podium!
Then it came down to Alan Benites vs. Tim Mulhmeyer for that top spot. First Alan was on the lead and Tim chasing. Alan gave Tim a good dose of that RMX speed, obviously making Tim work to maintain proximity. Both the lead and chase were solid! This brought us to the final run of the night with Tim leading and Alan chasing. Tim did Tim, running an amazingly deep line throughout the first 7/8 of the course. Alan was hot on Tim's door the entire time, showing he had what it takes to keep the pressure on. Then on the last clip it happened. Tim knowing he needed to do something to give him that little edge, he decided to go deep in the last clip. Unfortunately his exhaust caught the rail and gave him a good jolt. This was all Alan needed to secure the top spot on the podium! Tim took a very respectable 2nd place for the night!

Alan Beniites - 1st / Tim Mulheyer - 2nd / Josh Espinoza - 3rd
Congratulations to our winners of the Saturday Night Showdowns week 1! Can't wait to get it on next Saturday!!! See you then!

Point Standings - 1/12/19:
1st. 15 pts - Alan Benites
2nd. 12 pts - Tim Mulhmeyer
3rd. 10 pts - Josh Espinoza
4th. 8 pts - Kevin Motter
5th. 7 pts - Andy Orozco
5th. 7 pts - Joe Tam
5th. 7 pts - Mark Santa Cruz
5th. 7 pts - Steve Fujita
9th. 6 pts - Sam Taylor
9th. 6 pts - Colin Chambers
9th. 6 pts - Alex Dagondon
9th. 6 pts - Ethan David
9th. 6 pts - Sam Angulo
9th. 6 pts - Karlo Malabanca
9th. 6 pts - Aydin Angulo